Plan interview

On this page you can let me know you are interested in conducting an interview with me for my thesis. The only requirements are that you are above 18 years old, feel like or are a Zeeuw, and want to tell me about your emotional connection to the water in Zeeland. I want to interview people from different ages, sectors and backgrounds, so there are no specific requirements for this.

Furthermore, conform the ethical guidelines for doing research a consent form and information sheet about the project and your privacy and data storage will be provided to you prior to the interview. Interviews can be done both in Dutch, English or maybe even Zeeuws and in real-life or over something like Zoom.

It would be very helpful if you would like to fill out in which month you would like to participate in the interview, this will make planning easier on my part. Regardless you will receive an e-mail from me on setting a specific date.

If not you personally are interested but someone you know is, I will contact you and we can discuss further details.

Thank you so much in advance and hopefully talk to you soon!

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I would like to plan an interview in this month…